Event Date: Jun 20, 2024
The listening session and NAMI Smarts Training had 15 registrants. There were no guest speakers. The attendees included community members and NAMI supporters from across the state. The outcome of this training was to bring awareness to the diverse groups and the establishment of partnerships with community agencies that already serve the targeted groups, with the goal of collaborating to recruit more diverse populations. Additionally, NAMI CA staff participated in cultural competency training to enhance their ability to support underserved and underrepresented communities. Explore the possibility of creating “paid” positions at the State Office that would be held by a youth/young adult rather than primarily relying on a NAMI student club (made up of “volunteers/non-paid” folks) for support with outreach and programming for the youth/young adult population, provide opportunities to raise awareness among parents/guardians to the importance of seeking supporting in dealing with mental health to reduce stigma.