Grant & Funding Opportunities
The Commission distributes competitive grant funding to support specific initiatives through Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Applications (RFA).
Projects funded through RFPs and RFAs seek to drive positive change in mental health crisis response approaches (Triage), school-based mental health (MHSSA), early intervention for psychosis (EPI Plus), and allcove® youth drop-in centers.
In addition, the Commission periodically releases RFPs in support of stakeholder advocacy efforts addressing the needs of specific groups, including Transition Aged Youth, Veterans, LGBTQ+ communities, Parents and Caregivers, Consumers, Families of Consumers, Diverse Racial and Ethnic Communities, and Immigrants and Refugees. The Commission supports grantees’ work through technical assistance.
An Overview: The Bidding Process
The Commission releases RFPs and RFAs when funds become available and awards grants through a competitive bid process. If applicants meet minimum qualifications, subject matter experts evaluate the applications and proposals to determine the highest scores. The highest scoring applications and proposals are recommended to the Commission for award. The Commission considers the recommendation for grant funding, and if approved, publishes a Notice of Intent to Award on its website and through a listserv announcement.
Bidding Process Steps
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