Mono County
Eastern Sierra Strengths Based Learning Collaborative (ESSBLC): With a population of 14,202, Mono is one of the smallest counties in California. The county reached out to two nearby small counties, Inyo and Alpine, to determine interest in an 18-month strengths-based training for their departments and communities, something that would be cost prohibitive for Mono to do on its own. With the approval of this Innovation project, the counties will create a learning collaborative, providing intensive learning opportunities for staff. Community partners such as law enforcement and social services can also attend the learning sessions. Total amount approved: $259,046 over two years
Napa County
Napa Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE): Childhood trauma caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) is complex, fairly common (65% of Napa County residents have at least one ACE) and can include everything from domestic violence to living in extreme poverty. Treating ACEs is difficult and requires a multi-system approach to prevention, intervention and treatment. This project will develop a training program for paraprofessionals who work in and around mental health programs—who are often the first contact that individuals have with organizations—to help them identify their own adverse childhood experiences and use this knowledge in their practices and in their interactions with their respective consumers. Total amount approved: $438,869 over 18 months
Native American Historical Trauma and Traditional Healing Project: Napa County is home to approximately 2,000 Native Americans with few culturally competent resources available to them. The programs that exist are not focused on increasing the cultural competency of the mental health system, even though the rate of serious mental illness (SMI) is higher for Native Americans than in other populations. This project will combine education for mental health providers about varied Native American cultures, histories and historical trauma, with training focused on traditional wellness and healing practices. Total amount approved: $479, 518 over 18 months
Understanding the Mental Health Needs of the American Canyon Filipino Community: The Napa Valley Unified School District recognized that there is a disparity in mental health risks for Filipino students in some of its schools. Upon further research, the district discovered the reason was due to intergenerational barriers in accessing services for students and their families. This project will provide a forum for discussions regarding emotional well-being with students and their families. Total amount approved: $461,016 for 18 months
Work for Wellness: There is no greater measure of successful outcomes than employment. In 2015 in California, 8.3% of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) were employed. In Napa County, supported employment participation is not consistently tracked for those receiving mental health care for SMI. This project is designed to learn what works to address the needs and barriers in the current supported employment system and how to improve it. The county will use a community building and leadership development model to bring together individuals with SMI, employers and program administrators. A wide population will be involved, including individuals in the county Jail, individuals with co-occurring substance use, Veterans with SMI, and individuals with SMI who are using self-sufficiency benefits. Employers to be recruited will represent non-profits, public sector, large and small businesses. Program Administrators will be recruited from agencies that provide supported employment services in Napa County. Total amount approved: $309,250 for 18 months
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